The main vision, mission and goals of the Job Creation Program (JCP) are:
1. Effective and wide involvement in the Palestinian development process after decades of occupation and intentionally destruction. Therefore JCP shoulder the responsibility to activate the Palestinian economy through carrying out dozens of relief and developmental projects and programs mainly extended to infrastructure, construction, and agriculture -water sectors, in addition to the social affairs & capacity building.
2. JCP contributed effectively in improving the living conditions, through carrying out a series of various projects and programs at different sectors. In addition, thousands of jobs created, lands replanted, roads have been rehabilitated which eventually assisted in easiness of living conditions and movement. Furthermore, the implemented projects contributed indirectly in activating many supporting jobs like transportation and small industries.
3. A significant and high priority was given to repair the damages in the infrastructure, agriculture and water sectors like rehabilitation of damages “wells, water pipes, irrigation Networks, main roads and destroyed buildings”. It should be bear in mined that the urgent and immediate rehabilitation of damages is a prerequisite to reactivate the Palestinian economy and JCP consider that part & parcel of the overall quick impact of poverty alleviation in Gaza Strip.
4. In terms of the social development, JCP contributed to alleviate severe poverty conditions, through adopting immediate projects characterized no longer with relief features, but also has developmental impacts like construction of schools, rehabilitation of roads and reservoirs, productive industries and food security programs that also characterized with intensive job creation programs simultaneously.
5. Assist the Ministries in general and the Municipalities in particular to carry out fast and occupational projects that eventually aimed at supporting and improving the administration and vocational capabilities in the relevant sectors.
6. JCP is considered the supreme reference for all losses and damages occurred in the last five years, including the documentation and classification of losses in due to the sectoral and geographical basis, in addition to lead the coordination process for compensating the losers.
7. JCP shared the stakeholders and Ministries in implementing development human recourses projects as it strongly believed that any success of any project could be only achieved if human resources and manpower cadres are well trained and qualified.