1- For the JCP, priority should be given to repair the damages in agriculture infrastructure, water and wastewater sectors like rehabilitation of damages wells, water pipes and irrigation networks. It should bear in mined that the urgent and immediate rehabilitation of damages is prerequisite to reactivate the Palestinians economy and it considered part & parcel of the overall National Water Plan.
2- Ensuring food security: The agricultural sector still plays a central role in achieving food security for Palestinian families as quite a good number of families depend on this sector in answering their needs by means of family and domestic projects. JCP in close cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and other stakeholders exerted flexibility and sustainability efforts to support agricultural sector in the provision of the basic food needs for the majority of the Palestinians away from the control of the Israeli economy mechanisms.
3- To adopt ‘poverty eradication’ as a central theme of the comprehensive development in the GS. It is strongly recommended to alleviate severe poverty line which the Palestinians live, through adopting immediate projects characterized with food security programs and intensive Job Creation Projects simultaneously. As was earlier mentioned, the Palestinian agricultural sector is known for its elasticity and ability to generate jobs, which can help ease up people’s harsh economic situation and alleviate poverty pockets among the population. In addition to improve rural livelihoods: (particularly food security, poverty alleviation, creation of rural employment and raising incomes) through maintaining agriculture activities and revitalizing them.
4- To improve the effectiveness of PNA governance by building institutional capacity and accelerating reform. The MTDP will also enhance PNA accountability by providing clear development objectives which are monitored throughout the period of implementation.
5- Assist PWA in applying Water Demand Management measures to more efficient use of water achieved by adopting new crop patterns and increases the irrigation efficiency by generalizing modern irrigation methods.
6- Technology Transfer: JCP believes that transfers technology is a significant issue for qualifying fames & As engineers and it is surly improve the welfare of farmers and agricultural engineers .Spanish Technology in the field of wastewater may be a good example in Gaza City for low – cost technologies in the small cities.
7- Develop Human Recourses: JCP believe that many success of such projects only be achieved if human resources and manpower cadres and well trained and qualified. According technical training in the field of water resources management and irrigation should be enhanced .
8- Support innovative initiatives and research areas of agriculture and water resources which should be framed give answers for problems and to obtain optimum use of water and land resources.
9- Strengthen the environmental sound of agricultural and other practices that contributed in improving the ambient environment.
10- Devise an educational public program aiming to raise the awareness of the society of the poverty problem, water conservation, solid waste management.
11- To provide the appropriate environment for sustainable and comprehensive
12- To devise special programs for special groups and areas like women, the youth, rural areas and refugee camps.
13- To adopt the goal of ‘reducing the economic dependency on Israel’ economy.
14- To support the financing of small and micro enterprises.